Model 270-000
Breast Bridge
The breast bridge aids in setting up portals for tangential breast treatment.
After the area to be treated has been marked, the breast bridge is placed on the patient's chest and adjusted
to the skin markings, thus determining the separation of the fields. The angulation of the portals is determined from
the ball protractor as on Model 270-000. If the radiation unit cannot be rotated, the patient may be propped by tilt
board or a spine wedge until the spirit level on the bridge shows that the plastic plates are vertical.
Once the portals are set, the breast bridge may be removed.
These plates measure approximately 15cm x 20cm and have inscribed center lines. They can be set for separations
from 15cm to 35cm. The ball protractor provides angulation readings from 15° to 80°.
Breast Bridge Compressors
The Breast Bridge Compressor is used to compress the breast, particularly when it is desired to increase the dose to the residual mass at the end of a course of treatment. The aluminum mesh and frame are coated with a vinyl plastic for minimum skin dose. The blue vinyl plastic is smooth and warm to the touch.