Model HDR1000+
Brachytherapy Re-Entrant Well Chamber
The rapid increase in oncology centers providing high dose rate brachytherapy treatments has prompted an intense interest in calibration procedures for high dose rate Iridium-192 sources. Calibration of sources is necessary because some sources are delivered with ±10% specifications. One facility's experience has shown a variation of 15% in sources.
Calibration with Farmer-type ion chambers requires a very time-consuming procedure of 1 to 2 hours. For proper calibration, the jig and Farmer method requires multiple distance measurements which must be accurate to less than 1mm. Scatter is produced by the jig apparatus which must be accounted for.
The HDR1000+ ion chamber, initially conceived by Professor Herb Attix, is designed specifically for use with high dose rate Iridium-192 sources. A typical calibration time using the HDR1000+ ion chamber is 15 minutes. It eliminates any need for multiple distance measurements, therefore eliminating any chance of imprecision due to distance errors. All scatter is accounted for as part of its calibration factor. The HDR1000+ now offers a simple, reliable means to calibrate Iridium-192 sources and to verify decay rates.
The HDR1000+ is supplied with one HDR source holder and a storage case.